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Let's attack the problem of over 12,000* UK men dying every year of prostate cancer, that's 30 men every single day - double the rate of the USA. The current situation is a NATIONAL MEDICAL FAILURE and DISGRACE.
By 2026-30 that number is expected to rise to 14,500* and a staggering 620,000* living with the disease. Prostate cancer is predicted to become the most common of all male-female cancers in the UK having now overtaken breast cancer. So wake-up men, GP's, and the NHS.
Today 1 in 8 men, 1 in 4 black men, will get a significant level (requiring treatment) of prostate cancer sometime in their lifetime. There is NO NATIONAL SCREENING and N.I.C.E. continue to instruct GP's to NOT be proactive towards screening men without symptoms. The number of deaths could be reduced by men learning prostate cancer symptoms and, depending on ethnicity, family history and other risk factors, from age 40 to 50 self-initiate regular check-ups.
FAST-TRACK to early diagnosis of prostate cancer by going to MY ACTION PLAN & SYMPTOMS ALERT !
*Cancer Research UK, Prostate Cancer UK, American Cancer Society
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